Taxes & Spending
Taxes & Spending

Gov. Evers Vetoes Middle Class & Small Business Tax Cuts
MADISON – Gov. Tony Evers signed the 2023-25 State Budget on Wednesday with a number of partial vetoes, including striking language that would have cut

WMC Statement on Proposed Tax Reform Plan
MADISON – Members of the budget-writing Joint Finance Committee (JFC) announced $4.4 billion in tax cuts on Thursday, $3.5 billion of which would come from

WMC Applauds Repeal of Personal Property Tax
MADISON – Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) – the combined state chamber and manufacturers’ association – thanked state legislators for their work negotiating the repeal

Wisconsin Cannot Wait to Catch Midwest, Nation in Tax Rate Competitiveness
By Evan Umpir Next month marks 112 years since Wisconsin became the first state in the nation to levy an income tax. Since then, 40 other

Two-Minute Drill: Income Tax Cut Would Spur Population & Economic Growth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZQwm2SqM3k MADISON – Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) – the combined state chamber and manufacturers’ association – released a new video highlighting the benefits of

WMC Pushes for Tax, Education and Workforce Reform in State Budget
WMC’s Senior Director of Workforce, Education & Employment Policy Rachel Ver Velde joined Tracy Johnson on the Steve Scaffidi show to discuss the Governor’s budget

WMC Applauds Finance Committee for Actions on the State Budget
MADISON – The Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) voted on Tuesday to remove 545 of Gov. Tony Evers’ budget proposals that would have increased taxes

Evers Risks Manufacturing Jobs with $650 Million Tax Hike on Key Industry
By Evan Umpir Proudly displayed on Wisconsin’s state flag is an arm and hammer, representing one of our historical, hallmark industries: manufacturing. Manufacturing contributed more

WMC Testifies on Flat-Tax Proposal
WMC testified at hearings in both the Senate and Assembly on cutting income taxes in Wisconsin. Wisconsin currently has the 8th highest top marginal tax

SURVEY: Businesses Rate Tax Reform as Top Public Policy Objective
Workforce shortage continues to be top concern for employers MADISON – A new survey of Wisconsin businesses found the workforce shortage to be the top