MADISON – Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) was the top lobbying organization in the state during the 2015-16 legislative session, according to a new report compiled by – an online political news service.
WMC spent more than $1.3 million on behalf of its members to influence legislation and administrative rules – more than anyone else in the state. This amounted to 9,484 hours during the last session where WMC lobbied policymakers in an effort to make Wisconsin the best state in the nation to do business.
Topping the list of policies WMC pushed for last session were right-to-work, which gave workers the freedom to choose whether or not they belong to a union and pay dues, and a state-level REINS Act, which would ensure legislative oversight of state agencies.
While right-to-work ultimately became law, WMC continues to lobby for the REINS Act in the current legislative session. The bill would ensure any rule promulgated by a state agency that has an economic impact of $10 million or more over two years would be reviewed and approved by the legislature. This would create more oversight in the rulemaking process and give businesses more say when it comes to regulations that impact their bottom line.
WMC will continue to fight for its members during this legislative session, including efforts to improve the state budget bill proposed by Gov. Scott Walker earlier this year.
For more information, contact:
Nick Novak, 608.258.3400