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WMC Urges Lawmakers to Reform Wisconsin Taxes

Ahead of final decisions on Wisconsin’s biannual budget, WMC’s Senior Vice President of Government Relations joined Matt Kittle on Vicki McKenna’s radio show to discuss tax reform.

Wisconsin has a $6.8 billion surplus, and WMC argues that those dollars should be given back to taxpayers. Cutting taxes will not only stimulate Wisconsin’s economy, it will allow for population growth.

“We can’t afford to not cut taxes,” Manley said.

WMC Foundation’s recently released report, Wisconsin’s Demographic Dilemma, noted that Wisconsin should lower taxes to help solve the state’s workforce shortage.

“States with the highest population gain have an average income tax rate of 3.78%. We’re at about twice that,” Manley continued. “There is a correlation: if you have lower taxes, people come to your state to live, work, and raise a family. If you have higher taxes, they leave. Unfortunately, we’re a higher tax state.”

Click here to listen to the interview.
