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WMC Applauds Gov. Tony Evers for Focusing on Workforce Development & Talent Attraction

MADISON – Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) was excited to hear Gov. Tony Evers focus on workforce development and talent attraction during his remarks at the organization’s Policy Day event on Tuesday.

While speaking to the crowd of business leaders, Gov. Evers said, “the things that keep me awake at night, I’m guessing, might be keeping you awake at night, also. So, we need to make sure that we are doing everything we can to retain our workforce in the State of Wisconsin and attract new talent.”

The business community agrees with the governor on this point and hopes his administration will put a spotlight on initiatives aimed at attracting new talent to the state.

“As Gov. Evers said in his remarks to our members, even if we can train everyone in Wisconsin for the careers we have available, there still will not be enough people to fill all the open jobs,” said WMC President & CEO Kurt Bauer. “According to WMC’s most recent survey of Wisconsin CEOs, four out of every five companies in the state are struggling to find workers. We need the business community and government to work together on this issue, and that starts with a robust talent attraction campaign.”

WMC has long advocated for the state’s economic development agency – Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) – to launch a paid advertising campaign in other states highlighting the benefits of moving to Wisconsin. While a smaller effort took place in recent years, WMC believes more needs to be done, and that starts with a significant and dedicated funding stream for a campaign.

“We cannot continue to be the best kept secret in the Midwest,” added Bauer. “Wisconsin needs to actively tell its story to millennials, veterans and other talented individuals throughout the country. WMC encourages Gov. Evers and his administration to put together a plan that does just that.”

Gov. Evers delivered the keynote address at WMC’s Policy Day in Madison on Tuesday, which was followed by a panel discussion featuring Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, Senate Minority Leader Jennifer Shilling, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz.




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