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WMC Disappointed in Superior City Council Vote Opposing Affordable & Reliable Energy Project

MADISON – The Superior City Council denied local approvals on Wednesday for the Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC), which would play a critical role in providing affordable and reliable energy to the region. Ahead of the vote, WMC co-hosted an event in Superior last week supporting the NTEC project and highlighting its importance to economic growth in Superior and northern Wisconsin.

In response to the City Council’s actions, WMC Executive Vice President of Government Relations Scott Manley released the following statement:

“Opponents of the NTEC project voted to block a public hearing on this critical investment because they don’t want to hear the overwhelming support from the Superior community. Instead, they are only listening to radical out-of-state special interest groups opposing it. The truth is that affordable and reliable energy is critical to the future economic growth of Superior, the surrounding region and all of Wisconsin. We cannot afford to have politicians prioritizing a political agenda over the needs of Wisconsin families and businesses. Despite a hearing being blocked on the NTEC investment, the public will continue to show their overwhelming support for this project.”





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