Mining Legislation – Myth vs. Fact
WMC Testimony: Support for LRB 3520 – Iron Mining Legislation
Iron Mining Bill Presentation
Wisconsin is fortunate to have one of the largest untapped iron ore deposit in North America located in our state. The twenty-two mile deposit is located near Hurley in Iron County, and extends to an area near Mellen in Ashland County. The site’s widest point is approximately 1,200 yards, and is estimated to contain up to 2.2 billion tons of iron ore.
Mining this ore provides an incredible economic opportunity for Wisconsin’s citizens. The project would create thousands of jobs in an area of Wisconsin that desperately needs them. However, the economic benefit of the mining project would extend to virtually every corner of the state. From mining equipment manufacturers in the Milwaukee area like P&H Mining and Bucyrus, to numerous foundries and suppliers throughout Wisconsin, the project will have a profoundly positive impact on jobs and our economy.
In order to unleash the economic potential of the mining project, and provide immediate job creation for Wisconsin, the Legislature must adopt an iron ore mining statute. The proposed legislation would achieve the dual goals of allowing iron ore mining to move forward in a timely fashion, while ensuring that iron mining will be done in an environmentally responsible manner.
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Related Material:
Iron Mining Reform: Myth vs. Fact
Assembly Bill 426: Iron Mining Reform (Briefing Paper)
WMC Testimony: Support for LRB 3520 – Iron Mining Legislation (12/13/11)
Iron Mining Bill Presentation (12/3/11)
Business Coalition Support Letter (12/1/11)
WMC Testimony: Iron Mining Legislation (10/27/11)
Mining Jobs Impact Study
Mining Tax Impact Study
Polling Memo on Iron Mine Support
WMC Press Releases:
WMC Lauds Assembly Passage of Iron Mining Reform Bill (1/27/12)
Wisconsin Business Coalition Supports Iron Mining Reform (1/26/12)
Proposed Iron Mine a Win for Jobs, Taxpayers & the Environment (12/19/11)
WMC Hails Assembly for Advancing Needed Mining Reforms (12/8/11)
Twenty-four Business Groups Urge Passage of Iron Mining Legislation (12/6/11)
WMC Hails Bi-Partisan Cooperation on Mine Near Hurley (11/11/11)
WMC Hails Creation of Senate Select Committee on Mining Jobs
Wisconsin Voters Strongly Support Northern WI Iron Mine
Wisconsin Needs Jobs for Generations Act Approved
WMC Urges Approval of “Jobs for Generations” Act
Jobs, the environment can coexist (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Allow mine with safeguards ( Wisconsin State Journal)
Learn from example of Wisconsin’s last iron mine: Lake Wazee (Wisconsin State Journal)