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WMC Reacts to U.S. Supreme Court Rejection of John Doe Appeal

Prosecutors Repudiated Again as Business Free Speech Rights Prevail

MADISON – Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce President/CEO Kurt R. Bauer today issued a statement regarding the U.S. Supreme Court rejecting the appeal of the prosecutors who lost their unconstitutional investigation of WMC and other groups in a ruling last July from the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Bauer said:
“The prosecutors were rejected at every step of the legal process and justice has prevailed. They lost at the county court level. They lost at the Wisconsin Supreme Court and now they have lost at the U.S. Supreme Court. The First Amendment remains a vital part of our democracy in Wisconsin and our nation and people shouldn’t face jail time for speaking out on issues.
“Businesses need to have the right to stand up to the government to tell the people about how taxes and regulations affect the daily lives of our citizens. WMC has taken a strong stand on free speech rights for our members and all businesses and will continue to exercise our free speech rights without government harassment in the future.”
Scott Manley, (608) 258-3400





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