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Rep. Kooyenga Receives State Chamber's "Working for Wisconsin" Award

“A Courageous Leader for Job Creation”

Madison – Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), the state’s Chamber of Commerce, recently honored Rep. Dale Kooyenga with the prestigious “Working for Wisconsin” Award for fighting for job creation and supporting pro-growth policies. The award was presented at Briggs & Stratton Corporation in Wauwatosa.
The award is given to legislators who stand up for jobs and improve the state’s business climate by voting 80 percent or greater in support of the pro-jobs position on the WMC legislative scorecard. WMC reports that Rep. Dale Kooyenga voted 100 percent of the time to support job-creating legislation.

Pictured, left to right, Todd Teske, Chairman/President/CEO, Briggs and Stratton Corporation; Rep. Dale Kooyenga; Lucas Vebber, WMC Director of Environmental and Energy Policy.
Pictured, left to right, Todd Teske, Chairman/President/CEO, Briggs and Stratton Corporation; Rep. Dale Kooyenga; Lucas Vebber, WMC Director of Environmental and Energy Policy.

“Rep. Dale Kooyenga is a visionary, courageous leader in the battle for job creation policies at the state Capitol,” said Kurt R. Bauer, WMC President/CEO. “Rep. Dale Kooyenga stands up for the families in our state who want jobs, growth, hope and opportunity.”
WMC is presenting 82 legislators with the prestigious award and has released “How They Voted,” a legislative scorecard for pro-business votes in the 2015-2016 legislative session.
“In total, 65 award-winning lawmakers had 100 percent voting records on the WMC scorecard,” said Scott Manley, WMC senior vice president of government relations. “Rep. Kooyenga  is committed to making job creation for our families the top priority at the Capitol.”
WMC’s public policy team analyzes the key votes affecting industry to create the scorecard. The analysis is based solely on the actual voting record, irrespective of partisan affiliation.
Wisconsin has seen three consecutive legislative sessions dedicated to passing pro-jobs reforms that have been signed by Governor Scott Walker.
“We are very fortunate to have Rep. Dale Kooyenga  fighting for jobs for Wisconsin,” Manley said.
Related Material:
2016 WMC Working for Wisconsin Award Winners (complete list)
WMC Legislative Voting Record: 2015-16
For Further Information Contact:
Scott Manley, (608) 258-3400





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