Wisconsin Business Voice
Wisconsin Business Voice

Episode 5: High Capacity Well Decision
In this episode of Wisconsin Business Voice, WMC Executive Vice President of Government Relations, Scott Manley discussed the impact of the high capacity well opinion

Episode 4: Economic Impact of COVID-19
In this episode of Wisconsin Business Voice, UW-Madison Professor & Director of Center for Research on the Wisconsin Economy (CROWE), Noah Williams discussed the economic

Episode 3: Act 21
https://youtu.be/O-RwFfPixE0 In this episode of Wisconsin Business Voice, WMC’s General Counsel & Director of Tax, Transportation and Legal Affairs, Cory Fish, joins the show to

Episode 2: Returning to Work Guidelines
https://youtu.be/j0xBEb-4dlU Wisconsin Safety Council recently released a 8 step guideline and best practices publication that goes through everything a business needs to think about before

Episode 1: Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision
https://youtu.be/X_4zvSEBG_g In the first episode of Wisconsin Business Voice, Executive VP of Government Relations for WMC, Scott Manley, joined the program discussing the recent decision